Hi Lovelies,
for my second post I'm going to show you my newest addiction, my bullet journal!
If you have been following me for the last years over at Instagram (@organizedjane), you would definitely know, that I love my planners, calendars, organizers and any of that sort. I started a few years ago with a filofax domino personal size in ultraviolet, bought some calendar inserts and tried out the system. I got a huge amount of washitape to decorate my filofax, but I was never fully happy with it.
Shortly after I tried out a bigger filofax in A5 size, the filofax saffiano in raspberry. This turned out to be too big for me to carry around on a day to day basis. Eventually I used this organizer for my wedding planning.
I went back to the personal size filofax planner and got 2 more: a patent compact organizer in poppy red and finally a more expensive filofax original in fuchsia, which was on my wish list for a very long time. I really loved the quality of the planners and the medium size. But still I was searching for planner peace!
left to right: Filofax A5 Saffiano raspberry, Filofax Personal Domino ultraviolet, Filofax Compact Patent poppy red, Filofax Personal Original fuchsia, Filofax Pocket Saffiano gold |
A year after that the happy planners became all the rage, so I got the My Life version in 2015, and I started to plan with lots of stickers and washitape. I fell in love with the new system and that's when I really started to show my weekly spreads on instagram.
Last summer I bought my second happy planner for 2016/17 in the botanical garden design, which is all in all so beautifully designed.
Happy Planner My Life 2015/16 and Botanical Garden 2016/17 |
The only downside to my happy planner was the size, because they were to big and heavy to carry around, just like the Filofax A5. So I mainly used them as a stay at home planner, which was fine for me, especially as I bought a little Filofax pocket saffiano in gold to take with me in my bag.
I guess as time went by, I couldn't keep up with two planners, so I was again in need of a different solution. This is why I'm trying out bullet journaling now. The trend has reached me too and I really wanted to give it a go! But instead of buying something new again (I have no more money for that^^) I went back to the roots and took my beloved Filofax Original and made myself a bullet journal hybrid!
I just printed out a free dot grid pattern (from: https://www.printablepaper.net/category/dot), cut it down to size and hole punched it. And then I just let my creativity flow... In the following I'll show you my first pages, that include a quotes page, a habit and mood tracker for January, my monthly overview and my first week!
So now I am totally into bullet journaling and the creative freedom I have with it. We'll see what the future brings and how my bullet journal will grow!
What kind of planner/calendar are you using and why? Or do you have any questions about bullet journaling? I would love to hear from you!!
Hope you like this kind of post :-) and see you around until next time!